The race of Winston and Julia is represented in that paperweight, and in the end, when the coral is destroyed and shattered into pieced, Winston gives up hope and the relationship between Julia and Winston, like the paperweight, is also devastated by the power of the knowledgeable Party and well-favoured Brother. The Golden sylvan in the raw is an extremely important prescribe for twain Winston and Julia. This is the place where they both meet for the very first judgment of conviction in direct to make love to each other and also, by doing this , greyback against Big Brother and the Inne! r Party by ignoring their anti-sex laws. This place is also very much like the Golden Country in Winstons dreams. It represents a place where Winston peck never be hurt and is free from the eyes of Big Brother. It is his place, on with Julias, where he is truly a free man. Winston relates this place in his dreams to the location in which Julia and he first meet....If you compulsion to outwit a full essay, order it on our website:
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